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5.7.4 Remailers Type-I

GNU Anubis supports remailers of type I. The support is written entirely in Scheme. To enable it, you need to specify the following in the GUILE section of your configuration file:

guile-load-program remailer.scm

To send the message via a remailer, use the following command in the RULE section:

Scheme Function: remailer-I keyword-arguments

The keyword-arguments specify the various parameters for the remailer. These are:

#:rrt string

This is the only required keyword argument. It sets the value for the Request Remailing To line. string should be your actual recipient’s email address.

#:post news-group

Adds the ‘Anon-Post-To: news-group’ line, and prepares the message for sending it to the Usenet via a remailer. Note, that this is only possible with remailers that support ‘Anon-Post-To:’ header.

#:latent time

Adds the ‘Latent-Time:’ line, that causes a remailer to keep your message for specified time before forwarding it.


Adds random suffix to the latent time.

#:header string

Adds an extra header line to the remailed message.


trigger "remail:(.*)/(.*)"
 guile-process remailer-I \
             #:rrt [email protected] \
             #:post \1 \
             #:latent \2 \
             #:header "X-Processed-By: GNU Anubis & Remailer-I"

Some remailers require the message to be GPG encrypted or signed. You can do so by placing gpg-encrypt or gpg-sign statement right after the invocation of remailer-I, for example:

trigger "remail:(.*)/(.*)"
 guile-process remailer-I \
             #:rrt [email protected] \
             #:post \1 \
             #:latent \2 \
             #:header "X-Processed-By: GNU Anubis & Remailer-I"
 gpg-sign mykey

See section Mail Encryption, for more information on mail encryption in GNU Anubis.

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