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11 Output

Every line of the result is in the form of `host:port@PROTOCOLMETHOD estab pcon end req'.A sample of the output: 0.032189 0.126676 0.161449 0.034833 HTTP:GET 0.372466 0.367725 1.555638 0.375829 HTTP:GET 0.025951 4.463531 0.687924 1.077910 HTTP:GET

By default, proxyknife use the default testmethod, the req field will be filed with `HTTP:GET' now. If you use your own testmethod with `-C msn.req' (see Startup Options) (see Customize Request) on command line or `checkreqin=msn.req' in startup file (see Startup File), this field will be filled with the argument or value, the filename of the request file, which is 'msn.req' in this case.

The current version of proxyknife output timeouts of every steps of validation:

Method Output (time increase ->)
HTTP_GET host:port@HTTPG estab 0 pget end req
HTTP_CONNECT host:port@HTTPC estab pcon get end req
SOCKS5_CONNECT host:port@SOCKS5C estab pcon get end req
SOCKS4_CONNECT host:port@SOCKS4C estab pcon get end req

The chart of validating:

     Proxyknife  -- (myproxy) --- testproxy -- target(checksite)
     ta   ---------------->
                 estab = tb - ta
     tb   <----------------
     tc   ------------------------------>
                 pcon = td - tc  HTTP_CONNECT,SOCKS5_CONNECT or SOCKS4_CONNECT.
     td   <------------------------------
     te   ------------------------------>
                 (p)get = tf - te  get:HTTP_CONNECT,SOCKS5_CONNECT,SOCKS4_CONNECT,
     tf   <------------------------------
     tg   ------------------------------>
                 end = th - tg
     th   <------------------------------

The meaning of symbols in the chart:

symbol meaning
start to send, the left string is time.(such as ta)
<- The data entered,the left string is the time when data come in.
ta tb tc td te tf tg coordinate time in seconds during a single validating

delay define
estab Delay from the time(ta) proxyknife send CONNECT request for testproxy to myproxy(or begin to connect to testproxy directly) to the time(tb) it receives `Connection Established'(or the connection to testproxy is completed).
pcon Delay from the time(tc) proxyknife send CONNECT request for checksite to testproxy to the time(td) it receives `Connection Established'. With HTTP_GET method, it is impossilbe to get pcon, which is included in pget delay.
get Delay from the time(te) proxyknife send HTTP GET request for checksite to testproxy to the time(tf) it receives the first byte data returned. Exclusive for HTTP_GET method.
pget Delay from the time(te) proxyknife send GET request for checksite to testproxy to the time(tf) it receives the first byte data returned.
end Delay from the time(tg or tf) proxyknife receive the first byte data to the time(th) it receives data including key.

If we define `TP' as `testproxy', `TG' as `checksite', then we got the `approximate mathematics' of the delays:

     estab resp of TP
     pcon  resp of TP + relay of TP + resp of TG
     get   resp of TP + relay of TP + resp of TG + servicestart of TG
     pget  resp of TP + 3/2*relay of TP + 2*resp of TG + servicestart of TG
     end   0.5*resp of TP + 0.5*relay of TP + 0.5*resp of TG + serviceend of TG
     total 4.5*resp of TP + 4*relay of TP + 4.5*resp of TG + serviceall of TG
     2*end-get        2*servicedata + service(2*stop-start)
     relay: time(data_out) - time(data_in).
     resp: response.
     serviceend = time intervals(send data) + time intervals(stop this task).

A guide to use the result:

If you still feel puzzled, these tips are for you:

Some of other proxy hunters prefer the total delay. From the approximate mathematics and the chart, I can't get the same conslusion. I think the total delay is not as useful as estab,pcon,pget,get or even end. If you have some different ideas, please send email to [email protected].

Tips: The less delay, the more speed. You should select the testproxies with the shortest delay, such as estab,pcon,get,pget or end.