
G-Golf uses Git for revision control, hosted on Savannah, you may browse the sources repository here.

You may participate to G-Golf in different ways: you may want to just follow the project, to try it and report your impressions, to give us some constructive feedback, or you may decide to actively contribute to G-Golf, which could be contributing to the documentation, the source code, the test-suite or all.

Actively contributing to G-Golf source code - in addition to have a reasonably good Guile scheme knowledge and practice - requires that your are at least familiar, but preferably that you have a good knowledge of the GObject Introspection, GObject and Glib libraries.

G-Golf high level API extensively use GOOPS, the Guile Object Oriented System.

If you want to contribute to G-Golf, please install from the source, then:

Ultimately, one of the best way to participate is to select G-Golf to develop the next application of your dream! Visit the GNOME platform libraries overview, accessible using G-Golf.

In particular, libadwaita provides a number of widgets that change their layout based on the available space. This can be used to make applications adapt their UI between desktop and mobile devices. The GNOME Web (best known through its code name, Epiphany, is a good example of such an adaptive UI.

Sending patches


and send these patches to:

Please use 'G-Golf - ' to preceed the subject line of G-Golf related emails, thanks!

Bug Reports

G-Golf uses the following bug reports mailing list:

[email protected]